In memory sqlite database for testing Rails 3 app with Cucumber and RSpec

Let me introduce you my way of using in memory database inspite of existence of plenty articles regarding this on internets.

test: &test
adapter: sqlite3
encoding: utf8
database: ":memory:"

In cucumber's features/support/env.rb in Before paste this:
load_schema = lambda {
# use db agnostic schema by default
load "#{Rails.root.to_s}/db/schema.rb"

# if you use seeds uncomment next line
# load "#{Rails.root.to_s}/db/seeds.rb"
# ActiveRecord::Migrator.up('db/migrate') # use migrations
silence_stream(STDOUT, &load_schema)

Add lines below to spec/spec_helper.rb:
load_schema = lambda {
load "#{Rails.root.to_s}/db/schema.rb" # use db agnostic schema by default
# ActiveRecord::Migrator.up('db/migrate') # use migrations
silence_stream(STDOUT, &load_schema)