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message driven beans
Заюзали Message Driven Beans EJB 3.0.
Классное решение для работы с очередями.
В инете полно информации по нему, вдаваться в детали тут не имеет смысла, просто хвастаюсь :).
Классное решение для работы с очередями.
В инете полно информации по нему, вдаваться в детали тут не имеет смысла, просто хвастаюсь :).
запарился писать на инглише. ну и его нафиг.
хочу рассказать о проекте epay.kg. это еще одна платежная система.
клиент почти весь на javascript с jquery.
именно для этого проекта я изучал data gridы. в результате чего, ни один грид мне не понравился и я написал свой... с классами Record, DataSource, XmlDataSource, Grid, Filter, Pager офигеть, да? )))

стырил у гмейла идею с выводом MessageBox и ErrorBox наверху,

вот такие вот дела
хочу рассказать о проекте epay.kg. это еще одна платежная система.
клиент почти весь на javascript с jquery.
именно для этого проекта я изучал data gridы. в результате чего, ни один грид мне не понравился и я написал свой... с классами Record, DataSource, XmlDataSource, Grid, Filter, Pager офигеть, да? )))

стырил у гмейла идею с выводом MessageBox и ErrorBox наверху,

вот такие вот дела
redirect to blogspot
I found that a lot of domain registrars with dns server don't allow to create CNAME to main domain (your-domain.com). You need to create subdomain (www.your-domain.com or blog.your-domain.com) for CNAME to ghs.google.com. .
It's good if you have homepage (your-domain.com) and blog(blog.your-domain.com).
But blogspot for me is homepage and blog )). So i redirect from your-domain.com to www.your-domain.com( CNAMEd ghs.google.com).
I use apache mod_rewrite and php.
It's good if you have homepage (your-domain.com) and blog(blog.your-domain.com).
But blogspot for me is homepage and blog )). So i redirect from your-domain.com to www.your-domain.com( CNAMEd ghs.google.com).
I use apache mod_rewrite and php.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?$1 [QSA,L]
$uri = str_replace("index.php&", "", $uri );
$uri = str_replace("index.php", "", $uri );
header("Location: http://www.your-domain.com/{$uri}");
portfolio: Hot Payment System (HPS)
Hot Payment System (HPS) is payment and billing system of seti.kg
Used technologies:
Used technologies:
- EJB 3.0;
- Java Servlets;
- PostgreSQL;
- Slony-I;
- ExtJS.
Dissappeared sites which I developped
- nph.kg site of Neman company
- apteka.kg online drugstore of Neman company
- ar.kg Asian Realty real estate agency
- stroimarket.com.kg Building materials online-store
- karabalta.org "Initiative Support Center" non-government organization
- streetchild.net "Children Protection Center" non-government organization
- asianroads.net "Asian Roads" travel agency
prompt as reminder
i have a lot wishes and always working to get them. but it's known the less aims we have the faster we reach it. i use "reminders" for more needed wishes. reminders are notes, posters, pendants, wallpapers everything i see often that remind me about that wish. more thoughts more possible ways to realize.
since i use urxvt without transparency i don't need wallpaper which was good reminder. instead of it i use prompt string.
changing prompt string in bash
i add this string to my ~/.bashrc
\w escape sequence prints current working directory.
all escape sequences you can find here
i hope i'll buy core2duo notebook this month.
since i use urxvt without transparency i don't need wallpaper which was good reminder. instead of it i use prompt string.
changing prompt string in bash
i add this string to my ~/.bashrc
PS1='c2d notebook: \w> '
\w escape sequence prints current working directory.
all escape sequences you can find here
i hope i'll buy core2duo notebook this month.
playing subdirectories with mplayer ver. 2 :)
find `pwd`$1 > /tmp/playlist
mplayer -loop 0 -shuffle -playlist /tmp/playlist
it works better.
my first database scaling
after week of learning and experimenting with vary solutions of scaling database we choose to use slony-i to replicate very large and loaded tables. there were a few changes in our application, we just added one more connection (persistent unit) to EJB beans for slave replicated database.
solution was really fast to apply and inexpensive.
solution was really fast to apply and inexpensive.
playing subdirectory with mplayer
It's so simple.
find . | mplayer -loop 0 -shuffle -playlist -